We are so certain that Your Child Will Improve Phenomenally by Using MathsPOWER, that we are the ONLY Maths company to have a LIFETIME Money- Back Guarantee in Australia !!!
We guarantee that all students who use the program as directed, WILL gain marked impovement/benefit from their efforts, even in as little 3 months or less! (Most parents tell us within 2 weeks!)
We know, without doubt, that Your Child will do well using Maths POWER, because we've been helping kids just like yours for ten years! We're prepared to give a Lifetime Guarantee on it! As the market leaders, others will try to copy everything we do, but they never deliver the same personal commitment and dedication to each and every child, as they are more interested in getting sales. When you enrol your Child with Maths POWER, we are committed to getting your child to smile about Mathematics!!! Our on-going after-sales tutor and parent support are testimony to that, as your family becomes part of the Maths POWER Family - we promise not to let you or your child down!
Students simply use their Maths POWER for 10-15 minutes for primary school or 25 -30 minutes for high school, just two to three times per week.
They do the on-screen lesson/tutorial for approximately 5-8 minutes average. Here, they are one-on-one with the teacher explaining every step of the way. If they are ever unsure about anything, they can simply PAUSE and REWIND THE TEACHER! As well as the interactivity on the computer, students also complete a hard copy worksheet providing exercises and activities, covering work that could never be learned using the keyboard and mouse such as measuring objects around the home, creating angles, using a protractor, compass, etc. This also ensures that the student learns the correct setting out and working out process (and learns to do it on their own) that is needed during their schooling in exams.
Keeping these worksheets in the Maths POWER folder provided gives the students a great sense of direction and accomplishment.
The results are then submitted into the computer. If 90% or more is not achieved, kids can view the tutorial again. If after this, they still need help, they have access to their phone tutor (1300 number)! With the added bonus of skills games, certificates, reports for parents, primary rewards and gifts, motivation and the fun-factor is also kept at a high.
As you can see, we've made Maths POWER the ultimate maths learning tool so that every child will succeed...and if, for some reason, after all that, they don't gain any benefit or improvement, we'll simply refund your money!
It really is as simple as that!
Your Child's starting point will be based upon the results of our Free Online Assessments so make the most of them and print out an assessment for your child now.
They can be submitted for a teacher to mark either by email, fax or online. Or they can be marked online via the web site without anyone even seeing them or without having to give your details.